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This page lists all Buttons CSS custom properties and utility classes available in the OxyProps Framework

Base class

link Base class

Allways use this class to create a button.

DescriptionUtility class
The base class for any button o-btn

Modifier classes

link Modifier classes

Use theses classes in addition to the base class apply specific styles.

DescriptionUtility class
Outline version o-btn-outline
Disabled version o-btn-disabled
Success version o-btn-success
Warning version o-btn-warning
Danger version o-btn-danger
Brand responsive color o-btn-brand
Accent responsive color o-btn-accent
Links responsive color o-btn-links
Visited responsive color o-btn-visited
Black and white responsive color o-btn-bw
White and black responsive color o-btn-wb
Brand responsive gradient o-btn-brand-gr
Accent responsive gradient o-btn-accent-gr
Links responsive gradient o-btn-links-gr
Visited responsive gradient o-btn-visited-gr
Black and white responsive gradient o-btn-bw-gr
White and black responsive gradient o-btn-wb-gr

Button Props

link Button Props

Reassign values to these CSS variables to customize your buttons.

DescriptionCSS Variable
The button accent color in light mode --o_accent-light
The button accent color in dark mode --o_accent-dark
The button accent color --o_accent
The button text color in light mode --o_text-light
The button text color in dark mode --o_text-dark
The button text color --o_text
The button background color in light mode --o_bg-light
The button background color in light mode on hover --o_bg-light-hover
The button background color in dark mode --o_bg-dark
The button background color in dark mode on hover --o_bg-dark-hover
The button background color --o_bg
The button gradient direction in light mode --o_gradient-direction-light
The button gradient direction in dark mode --o_gradient-direction-dark
The button gradient direction --o_gradient-direction
The button input well color in light mode --o_input-well-light
The button input well color in dark mode --o_input-well-dark
The button input well color --o_input-well
The button padding inline --o_padding-inline
The button padding block --o_padding-block
The button border size --o_border-size
The button border radius --o_border-radius
The button border color in light mode --o_border-light
The button border color in dark mode --o_border-dark
The button border color --o_border
The button highlight size --o_highlight-size
The button highlight size on hover --o_highlight-size-hover
The button highlight color in light mode --o_highlight-light
The button highlight color in dark mode --o_highlight-dark
The button highlight color --o_highlight
The button text shadow in light mode --o_ink-shadow-light
The button text shadow in dark mode --o_ink-shadow-dark
The button text shadow --o_ink-shadow
The button icon size --o_icon-size
The button icon color in light mode --o_icon-color-light
The button icon color in dark mode --o_icon-color-dark
The button icon color --o_icon-color
The button shadow color in light mode --o_shadow-color-light
The button shadow color in dark mode --o_shadow-color-dark
The button shadow color --o_shadow-color
The button shadow strength in light mode --o_shadow-strength-light
The button shadow strength in dark mode --o_shadow-strength-dark
The button shadow strength --o_shadow-strength
The button shadow 1 --o_shadow-1
The button shadow 2 --o_shadow-2
The button shadow depth in light mode --o_shadow-depth-light
The button shadow depth in dark mode --o_shadow-depth-dark
The button shadow depth --o_shadow-depth
The button text decoration --o_text-decoration
The button text decoration on hover --o_text-decoration-hover
The button text font weight --o_text-font-weight
The button transition when prefers reduced motion is enabled --o_transition-motion-reduce
The button transition when motion is OK --o_transition-motion