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CSS Grids

OxyProps offers a wide range of grids utility classes to fit all your needs.

NB: In this documentation, when you see this notation : --o-property-{1-5}, this means that all values from 1 to 5 exist. So when you see --o-property-{1-5}, you can use :

  • --o-property-1
  • --o-property-2
  • --o-property-3
  • --o-property-4
  • --o-property-5

OxyProps grid utility classes set the following properties :

display: grid
grid-template-columns: var(--o-grid-columns-{1-12})

In Oxygen Builder, and in Bricks except for Bricks Sections and Bricks Containers, it also sets :

width: 100%;

Both in Oxygen and Bricks, the classes need to “fight” with the builder defaults that sets display: flex on sections (Oxy & Brx), containers (Brx) and div (Oxy). In these situations, the framework has higher selector specificity to achieve the expected result.

Simple Grids

link Simple Grids

Simple grids define a specific number of columns having the same width.

The CSS variables

link The CSS variables

The grid-template-columns CSS property defines the line names and track sizing functions of the grid columns. Source MDN

pattern: --o-grid-columns-{1-12}


These properties are set to : repeat(X, minmax(0, 1fr)) where X is the number of columns.

Use these CSS Variables with the grid-template-columns property:

grid-template-columns: var(--o-grid-columns-3);`

Will define a 3 columns grid.

The Utility Classes

link The Utility Classes

pattern: o-grid-{1-12}


These classes are automatically registered in Oxygen and Bricks to be available in autosuggestion.

Asymetrical Grids

link Asymetrical Grids

Asymetrical grids define a 2 comumns grid with uneven widths.

The width ratio is defined by the 2 values. For example, in a o-grid-2-3 grid, the first column will use 2 fractions of the available space, and the second column will use 3 fractions of the available space.

The CSS variables

link The CSS variables

pattern: --o-grid-columns-{1-5}-{1-5}


These properties are set to : xfr yfr where x and y are the 2 fractional values.

NB: properties will equal fractional values, like --o-grid-columns-3-3 don’t exist in the OxyProps framework.

Use these CSS Variables with the grid-template-columns property:

grid-template-columns: var(--o-grid-columns-1-2);

Will define a 2 columns grid, the second column being twice as wide as the first column.

The Utility Classes

link The Utility Classes

pattern: o-grid-{1-5}-{1-5}


NB: utility classes will equal fractional values, like --o-grid-2-2 don’t exist in the OxyProps framework.

Spans allow grid cells to span over multiple columns or rows.

Starts allow grid cells to start at a specific columns or rows.

Columns Spans

link Columns Spans

The grid-column-end CSS property specifies a grid item’s end position within the grid column by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement, thereby specifying the block-end edge of its grid area. Source MDN

Pattern: o-span-{1-12}


These classes set the grid-column-endproperty.


grid-column-end: span 3;

This cell will span over 3 columns.

Columns Starts

link Columns Starts

The grid-column-start CSS property specifies a grid item’s start position within the grid column by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. This start position defines the block-start edge of the grid area. Source MDN

Pattern: o-cstart-{1-12}


These classes set the grid-column-startproperty.


grid-column-start: 5;

This cell will start at column 5.

Rows Spans

link Rows Spans

Pattern: o-rspan-{1-12}


These classes set the grid-row-endproperty.


grid-row-end: span 2;

This cell will span over 2 rows.

Rows Starts

link Rows Starts

The grid-column-start CSS property specifies a grid item’s start position within the grid column by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. This start position defines the block-start edge of the grid area. Source MDN

Pattern: o-rstart-{1-12}


These classes set the grid-row-start property.


grid-row-start: 3;

This cell will start at row 3.

The order CSS property sets the order to lay out an item in a flex or grid container. Items in a container are sorted by ascending order value and then by their source code order.

Note: Accessibility concerns - Using the order property will create a disconnect between the visual presentation of content and DOM order. This will adversely affect users experiencing low vision navigating with the aid of assistive technology such as a screen reader. If the visual (css) order is important, then screen reader users will not have access to the correct reading order. Source MDN


These classes set the order property.

Responsive Grids

link Responsive Grids

Simple and Asymetrical grids can be combined with breakpoints to achieve a responsive layout.

Use the pattern o-{breakpoint}-grid-{type of grid} for this.

NB: You can chain multiple classes (1 per breakpoint) to achieve you responsive layout.


link Breakpoints

Available breakpoints are :

xxl: 1920px;
xl: 1440px;
lg: 1024px;
md: 768px;
sm: 480px;
xs: 360px;
xxs: 240px;

Grids at Breakpoints

link Grids at Breakpoints

Pattern: o-{breakpoint}-grid{1-12}



<section class="o-grid-6 o-xl-grid-4 o-lg-grid-3 o-md-grid-2 o-sm-grid-1"></section>

This section will contain a grid with:

  • 6 columns over XL breakpoint,
  • 4 columns from LG to XL breakpoint,
  • 3 columns from MD to LG breakpoint,
  • 2 columns from SM to MD breakpoint,
  • 1 columns below SM breakpoint,

Spans at Breakpoints

link Spans at Breakpoints

Pattern: o-{breakpoint}-span-{1-12}


Starts at Breakpoints

link Starts at Breakpoints

Pattern: o-{breakpoint}-cstart-{1-12}


RSpans at Breakpoints

link RSpans at Breakpoints

Pattern: o-{breakpoint}-rspan-{1-12}


RStarts at Breakpoints

link RStarts at Breakpoints

Pattern: o-{breakpoint}-rstart-{1-12}


Order at Breakpoints

link Order at Breakpoints

Pattern: o-{breakpoint}-{first-last}
