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Known Issues

My Paragraphs are not full width

link My Paragraphs are not full width

Studies show that there is an optimal line length for readability. The optimal line length for your content is based on the font size you are using. The optimal line length is usually between 50 and 75 characters per line. More information in this article

If Normalize is active on your site, the default maximum paragraph width is set to --o-size-content-3 which is 60ch, or 60 characters per line, with the following rule:

:where(p) {
max-inline-size: var(--o-size-content-3);

If you don’t want this behavior you can simply deactivate Normalize from your plugin dashboard.

If you want to keep normalize active but only cancel this rule, you can add the following CSS snippet to your global CSS:

Insert this snippet in your global CSS
p {
max-inline-size: initial;

Structure context menu not working in Bricks

link Structure context menu not working in Bricks

Since version 1.5.1, Bricks uses the Clipboard API to copy and paste elements and styles in the structure tree.

OxyProps structure menu uses Bricks native features to inject elements and styles in the structure tree. Therefore, OxyProps structure menu will not work if Bricks native copy / paste functions are not working.

If you are experiencing this issue, please check if Bricks native copy / paste functions are working. You should be able to copy and paste elements in your structure tree. If not, please check the following:

Secure context

link Secure context

For security reasons, the Clipboard API is accessible only in secure contexts (HTTPS).

Locally environments using URLs, http://localhost and http://*.localhost URLs (e.g. http://dev.whatever.localhost/), are also considered to have been delivered securely.

If you are using Bricks in a local environment serving page on http://*.test, http://*.local URLs or any other extension, you will need to use a local HTTPS server to make the Clipboard API work.

Explicit permission

link Explicit permission

A web application can not read anything from your clipboard without your explicit permission. When you copy something, you will be prompted to allow the web application to access your clipboard.

You only need to allow the web application to access your clipboard once. If you deny the permission, you will need to reload the page to be prompted again. You can manage the permissions in your browser settings. The permission is granted for a specific domain. So, you will have to grant permission for each domain and each browser you are using Bricks on.

Firefox users

link Firefox users

Firefox is even more restrictive than other browsers and doesn’t allow any javascript application to read from your clipboard.

You can still use the structure context menu in Firefox by explicitely activating the feature. To do so, follow these steps :

  1. type about:config in your address bar and press enter.
  2. search for and set it to true.
  3. search for and set it to true.
  4. restart Firefox.

Plugin dashboard not loading after migration

link Plugin dashboard not loading after migration

After migrating your site from a local environment to a production environment, you may experience an issue with the plugin dashboard not loading.

This issue is caused by the plugin not being able to connect to your website Rest API. This is usually caused by broken permalink structure after the site migration.

To fix this issue, go to your WordPress admin panel, then go to Settings > Permalinks and click on the Save Changes button. This will regenerate your permalink structure and fix the issue.

Different heading font size between editor and front-en with Bricks 1.8.4

link Different heading font size between editor and front-en with Bricks 1.8.4

A user reported a font size problem (you may have seen his post a few days ago), and since then helped me troubleshoot it.

  • On front end, headings font size are rendered as expected.
  • In editor, they are not the expected ones.
  • in v1.8.4, Bricks modified the selector it uses for outputing Theme Styles in the editor. For the Typography > All headings css settings, it wraps the selector in a :where() pseudo class.
  • You know the effect of the :where() pseudo class is to create a zero specificity selector.
  • But because of this, the value defined in the theme styles is overriden by Bricks primary default font size for h1, 2.4rem, which has a specificity of (0,0,1). Not much, bu enough to cancel them styles.
  • This is not desirable as user settings should always have priority over builder defaults.
  • If you face the problem, in the OxyProps theme styles, you can set the font size to var(--o-fluid-font) for each individual heading level you are actually using.
  • On my side, I will modify the plugin defaults to set individual values instead of a global one. But this will only aplly to new installs.
  • I will also report this problem to the Bricks team.